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The wordsmith's workshop


After sneaking around the premises for a few days, you slowly, conspicuously step inside the mossy brick building. The wordsmith casts you a short glance, sizes you up, before returning to his work. You tiptoe around the workshop, ogle the myriad tools and pick one up at random (or is it?).

You knit your brow as you turn it this way and that.

from tale to retail

it might be a forthnight, it could be moons, but something's brewing, that's for sure

Picture of the book launch of 'A Numbers Game' @ De Utrechtse Boekenbar

26th of May: "A Numbers Game" Book Launch

On the 26th of May the cool people of De Utrechtse Boekenbar offered us their monumental (and admittedly rather damp and creepy) wharf cellar as the perfect backdrop for the presenation of Rapp Fenstermacher's novel 'A Numbers Game'. Lovely people from all walks of life joined us for a night to remember. The venue was sold out and the audience took part in a lively and low-key Q and A. This definitely makes up for all the hard work and we're anxious to hear the first reactions to the book.


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